“The degree of one’s emotions varies inversely with one’s knowledge of the facts.”
How does CCM's frequent and proactive communication assist clients?
CCM's weekly videos address common questions in a proactive manner. Proactive and fact-based communication helps clients make prudent, rather than emotional or fear-based, decisions. CCM also provides insight via Twitter and our blog, Short Takes.
According to Inc. Magazine, there are numerous ways to make better decisions in any complex situation:
Because you're invested in making the best possible decision, you must use a line of objective reasoning and eliminate any emotional or biased influences that might alter or compromise that decision.
Of course, that's easier said than done. There's a limit to our objectivity as human beings, but with practice and with solid strategies in place, you can make the most objective decision possible. Try using one or more of these strategies when making your next major decision:
Acknowledge and Compensate for Your Biases
Strip Down Your Deciding Factors
Create a Scoring System
Make a Decision
The CCM Market Model coupled with CCM's weekly communication strategy can help you remain disciplined and logical in the extremely complex and emotional arena known as the financial markets.
Important Disclosures: While the CCM Market Model is based on sound economic and investment principles, there is no guarantee any of the objectives, including limiting account drawdowns, will be met in the future. The terms odds and probabilities also speak to uncertain outcomes. Please see additional disclosures for more information.